This is a fun little bit of news to share.
The local garden club here in Prescott is Alta Vista Garden Club, and they have been here in town since 1951. One of the many activities they do is recognizing local gardens each season of the year, which they call "Garden of Merit". And for autumn this year, my gardens here at Juniper Hill Cottage were selected! This is a group of very skilled and capable gardeners who care deeply about the local community and they work hard to provide value and resources to this area. I am grateful for this honor and hope you've seen the advertising around town recently as well as in the local paper.
August is all about the beginning of the harvest season, ongoing tending, and enjoying the results of your efforts and labor so far.
With any luck, the monsoon is still visiting your little part of the world fairly regularly, and you've got a garden and landscape that is showing off it's splendor. The character of things may not be quite as pristine as it is early in the season, but the party is well underway and meant to be enjoyed. The days are still long and if you've done a pretty good job of tending to and feeding your landscape, you may be blessed with color and the gentle shift towards late summer. Since autumn is my favorite time of year, I find this very joyful and exciting. If you haven't been able to keep up with your to-do's as well as you'd liked, don't worry about it. Just jump in and do what you can now. It's not too late to get some cooler season herbs and veggies going. Just be sure to look closely, use all your senses, and slow down. A garden is truly a gift. Enjoy! National Simplicity Day is today, every year on the 12th of July. This is sort of a special "holiday" for us here at The Whiskey Porch because it's at the core of what we are all about. After all, our tag line is "cultivating contentment & possibility in a smaller, simpler & more beautiful lifestyle." And, now more than ever, it just feels like we are all seeking refuge and inspiration to lift our spirits as we recover from this wild insanity of the last few years and then there's more to come with another divisive election season. So it goes without saying, that finding pleasure and calm in simple ideas is something many of us are striving for now. The celebration originated in honor of Henry David Thoreau, who lived in Concord, Massachusetts from July 12, 1817 to 1862. First, who was he, and why does it matter? And then, I've got 5 Great Ways for You to Celebrate Simplicity Day. ~post continues below ~ July is about general tending, pest and water management. And if you are lucky, this is the beginning of some harvesting too.
Most years we are into our monsoon cycle early in the month, and with that comes the daily/weekly dance of backing off on your automatic drip schedule when appropriate... and not forgetting to turn it back on if there's a break in the rain storms! Even with a rain sensor, which helps make that easier, I've found that I need to pay close attention to newer plants that might still need a bit of hand watering after a storm, when the rest of the system is on delay. If you've been keeping up with the monthly checklists so far, then you should find that July is quite a bit less heavy on the big tasks. And just more about spending time in your landscape every day and tending to the little things that need doing. June is all about water and pest management.
By now we've entered that super dry and really warm part of our summer and everything is probably in the ground and settled but often the newer additions or seedlings end up struggling a bit with the intense sun and heat. Strategies include a solid watering plan, but don't forget that the right plant in the right place, and shade structures or layering of plants can help immensely. Overwatering can be just as bad as too little or too shallow as well. Keep reading for your June checklist and tips. Happy May Day. In many parts of the world, May 1st is traditionally the beginning of the summer season. Of course, it's still really spring here in the high country - and technically the summer solstice isn't until mid-June.
Good news! May is about planting and blooms and birds and pollinators. We still have high chances of overnight frosts which can zap the life out of tender annuals, and newly planted perennials that are very young. So, it's wise to keep an eye on the forecast and keep your frost fabric handy until about May-15th or so. And, ironically, May is one of our drier and hotter months. So that means that getting your watering system going and keeping it well maintained is a priority now, as well as mulching and shade. Our sun is intense up here in the mountains - my big tip for you this month: Remember that although many plants are considered sun loving in general, that may not mean full, unfiltered sun in our climate at 5,000-6,000 feet elevation is ideal. Just a quick post here today. Thinking about Earth Day which comes up in a few days. I applied organic fertilizer in my kitchen garden and landscape this weekend. It's a tiny ... stinky. In a good way, at least I think so. My husband asked me if something died in the garden, haha. After I realized that I could still smell the soil and the "organic-ness" of my garden, even at the neighbors' house, the next couple days, it got me thinking. Why do some folks think it smells bad, while others (at least me) find it settling and wonderful? I'm not sure I have the answer to that, but I really enjoyed this recent article from The New York Times about The Health Benefits of Getting in the Dirt. And I wanted to share it with you. Let me know what you think! Maybe go make a mud pie if you don't keep a garden 🤠... Happy Earth Day! ~Miriam Spring in the high country is nothing if not confusing. Right?
My tulips are still going strong and everything else is starting to leaf out now. That gorgeous, pristine green and bronze is just so magical. One day it's definitely spring, and then we wake up to 2 inches of snow and blowing, cold wind the next morning. But hang in there. The good news is that my April list isn't as crazy long as the March list was. That's assuming you ticked everything off for March! My big advise for April is essentially the same as March -- resist! Resist the urge to plant out tender annuals or young perennials that aren't cool season growers until we are past our last frost date. And for some it's hard to believe that is actually not until May (Mothers Day). Winter will still be visiting here and there for the next couple of months. Nights are still at or below freezing often, and our last frost date is usually around Mothers Day in May.
But March is here and we've got some serious checklists to start tackling! So, this is getting to be a long one, but some of what I've got listed is just a reminder from last month (to wrap it up). And everything you do now will pay off as the season progresses. We will have those warm t-shirt days and front porch happy hour evenings. But don't jump the gun and start putting out tender plants until May - if you can stand it! It's an especially big deal to have a happy and content client. I used to work in corporate finance doing strategic and business planning in Silicon Valley tech and software companies and then the NFL (National Football League). In my position I worked at a senior level with internal and external corporate customers, and it was nice to feel appreciated. But it never felt like what I was doing was real. It didn't make a difference in anyone's personal life. At least not directly. Here, with The Whiskey Porch, I've built a business that is focused entirely on crafting design solutions for neighbors and members of my local community. If I am able to nail a design or solve an issue for a homeowner, I know how big of a deal it will be for them. It feels great. I know I'm making this little part of the world just a little bit more beautiful and comfortable! Professional women are often told that we are not very good at tooting out own horn. So... toot toot! I'm grateful to also receive some professional recognition, like this Best of Houzz Service Award. While most of our business comes via word of mouth, I don't do any advertising and I appreciate this little lift. Made my day today. Thanks for reading, ~Miriam |
AuthorHey there. I'm Miriam ~ and I've been doing this my whole life. It's my passion. Categories