A few days ago I was chatting with a local friend who was sharing how she "could not wait" to get going with her annuals in her garden now that it was starting to warm up. I know the feeling! That's why winter here is typically so pleasant... even though we get those snow storms and cold, grey days we are blessed with these breaks where the sun shines and the air warms just close enough to sweater weather that you feel like spring is on its way. But, it's only the first week of February. Don't be fooled. We will still have winter lows and weeks here and there of full-on winter weather for a couple more months. And our last frost date is right around Mother's Day. It was hard to break it to my friend who was so excited and from Minnesota. The consolation is that there is a ton of fun pre-season stuff to work on right now to get everything ready for the season. During this "dormant" season, don't be fooled into thinking that there's nothing going on in the garden over the winter! In fact, while the pace slows down significantly, this is often the best time to build the basis for a hugely successful and healthy landscape in the coming season. Plus, spreading out the work over several months makes it a bit less taxing on you. We don't do garden maintenance at The Whiskey Porch, but I wanted to put together a series of garden keeping checklists to help keep you on track. Whether you are going to do it all yourself, or bring in a maintenance crew to do much of it for you, these monthly guides should be useful to you if you live in and around Prescott, AZ. All of these checklists are very specific to the micro-climate that I am in here in downtown Prescott. So, there will be slight variations for you depending on your specific location, as well as what you grow. Generally speaking, these lists will relate to USDA Zone 7b. Each year can bring a slightly different cycle to the seasons. Sometimes we have our first hard freeze in late October, but most often not until early December. Keep this in mind when planning your monthly tasks. These checklists apply generally to a landscape garden which includes primarily perennials, as well as veggies and herbs. Let's get to it. |
AuthorHey there. I'm Miriam ~ and I've been doing this my whole life. It's my passion. Categories